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Azure DNS Private Resolver

Azure DNS Private Resolver is a new service that enables you to query Azure DNS private zones from an on-premises environment and vice versa without deploying VM based DNS servers.


In this lecture, the focus is on the Azure DNS Private Resolver service, a new offering that facilitates the querying of Azure DNS private zones from an on-premises environment and the other way around. This is achieved without the need for deploying virtual machine-based DNS servers. Currently, this service is in public preview.

The functionality of the Azure DNS Private Resolver is built upon the requirement of an Azure virtual network. Within this network, the creation of an Azure DNS Private Resolver leads to the setup of inbound endpoints, which act as targets for DNS queries. There’s also an outbound endpoint involved, which processes DNS queries according to a set of forwarding rules that you’ll be configuring.

A critical point of the architecture, which is visually illustrated for you, is that to enable DNS resolution between Azure Virtual Networks and on-prem networks, either Azure ExpressRoute or a VPN connection is necessary.

Benefits of using the Azure DNS Private Resolver service include its fully managed nature, inherent availability, zone redundancy, cost savings compared to traditional infrastructure services, and its design for scalability and DevOps practices.

However, it is important to note that the availability of the Azure DNS Private Resolver is limited to certain regions at the moment, and these specific regions are highlighted for your reference.

The key takeaway from this session is the understanding of the Azure DNS Private Resolver as a service that simplifies the process of querying Azure DNS private zones from on-premises and vice versa, thereby providing an efficient and cost-effective alternative to the traditional DNS server setup.

© 2023 Thomas J Mitchell / TomTeachesIT