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The Benefits of Cloud Computing

There are several advantages that a cloud environment has over a physical environment. Let’s take a look at a few of these advantages now. 

In this lecture, you’ll explore the various benefits of cloud computing compared to traditional on-premise data centers. It begins with an examination of high availability, a core feature of cloud services that ensures continuous user experience without downtime, even during system failures.

You’ll learn about scalability in cloud computing, which includes both vertical and horizontal scaling. Vertical scaling refers to increasing the power of an existing machine, like adding more RAM or CPUs, while horizontal scaling means increasing the number of machines, like adding more virtual machines to handle the load.

The concept of elasticity in cloud computing is also discussed, highlighting how cloud resources can automatically adjust to meet application demands. This is particularly useful when dealing with unpredictable web traffic, allowing for automatic scaling to accommodate spikes and decreases in demand.

Agility is another key benefit covered in this session, underscoring the quick deployment and reconfiguration of cloud-based resources as application requirements evolve.

Geographical distribution is explained as a significant advantage, where you can deploy applications and data across global data centers, reducing latency and improving performance for users worldwide.

You will also understand the importance of disaster recovery in the cloud, utilizing cloud-based backup and data replication to ensure data safety in the event of a catastrophe.

The financial aspect of cloud computing is addressed by comparing capital expenditure (CapEx) and operational expenditure (OpEx). The lecture clarifies that while CapEx involves upfront costs and depreciation of physical assets, OpEx relates to the pay-as-you-go model of cloud services, which does not require upfront investments and can be deducted in the same fiscal year they are incurred.

Lastly, the lecture provides an overview of how organizations can leverage OpEx for better financial flexibility and efficiency by only paying for the compute resources they consume, avoiding the substantial initial outlay and ongoing costs associated with CapEx.

© 2023 Thomas J Mitchell / TomTeachesIT